Wild Bulletin, Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fish and Wildlife: DNR’s nongame aquatic biologists are in the middle of a multi-year effort to restore snuffbox mussel populations in the Tippecanoe River. The snuffbox mussel reproduces in the wild by releasing glochidia (microscopic mussel larvae) that attach to the gills of a specific fish species, the logperch. The glochidia eventually grow into baby mussels, fall off the logperch, and mature while living in the bottom of a river.
To assist snuffbox populations in the Tippecanoe River, the nongame aquatics team is mimicking this life cycle. After collecting logperch, they infect the fish with glochidia from Salamonie River snuffbox mussels and hold them in underwater enclosures until baby snuffbox mussels fall off and mature to a taggable size. The snuffbox mussels produced are then used to bolster Tippecanoe River populations.
This project and many others like it are made possible because of donations to the Nongame Wildlife Fund. Having diverse, healthy wildlife populations improves the quality of life for all—and you can help. Donate to the Nongame Wildlife Fund to make a difference on conservation initiatives for the state’s most vulnerable species.
A Field Guide to Fish Invaders of the Great Lake Regions, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant (IISG)
Protect Your Waters, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service & U.S. Coast Guard
Profitability of Hybrid Striped Bass Cage Aquaculture in the Midwest, The Education Store, Purdue Extension resource center
A Guide to Marketing for Small-Scale Aquaculture Producers, The Education Store
Aquaculture Industry in Indiana Growing, Purdue Today
Sustainable Aquaculture: What does it mean to you?, The Education Store
Pond and Wildlife Management website, Purdue Extension
Fish Cleaning with Purdue Extension County Extension Director, Got Nature? Blog, Purdue Extension – Forestry and Natural Resources
Aquaponics: What to consider before starting your business, YouTube, Purdue Ag Economics
Aquatics & Fisheries, Playlist, YouTube, Purdue Extension – Forestry and Natural Resources
Indiana Department of Natural Resources – Division of Fish & Wildlife