In this webinar, hosted by Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Association, Joe Caudell, state deer biologist with Indiana DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife, shares recent efforts to better understand Indiana deer populations and how they vary across the landscape. The research from the Integrated Deer Management Project, a multi-year research project with Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources team working closely with the DNR biologists, created research management units (RMUs) so that they could be easily incorporated into deer management practices by the DNR.
Additional resources:
Check out the Indiana Forestry & Woodland Association YouTube Channel for videos including: What is IFWOA?; A New Carbon Program for Hardwood Landowners Webinar, Indiana’s Native Orchids, Magnificent Trees of Indiana, Be Tick Aware and much more.
The Indiana Forestry & Woodland Owners Association (IFWOA) was founded in 1977 and is a non-profit organization dedicated to conservation and sustainable management of woodlands in Indiana. IFWOA advocates for scientific best practices for management to achieve objectives of clean water, wildlife habitat, soil protection, native species diversity, timber production, recreation, carbon sequestration and many others.
IFWOA is an affiliate of the National Woodland Owners Association. IFWOA is a partner, collaborator or is represented on leading National and State organizations. These memberships or collaborations are selected to advance Indiana Woodland owner’s interests. IFWOA monitors and influences legislation and economic trends impacting Indiana woodlands and landowners for our members. Membership in IFWOA provides a valuable network linkage to information and resources at the leading edge of science, industry and politics impacting Indiana woodlands.
More Resources:
Ask an Expert, Playlist, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube Channel
Wildlife Habitat Hint: Trail Camera Tips and Tricks, Video, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube channel
Wildlife Habitat Hint, Playlist
Trail camera survey for white-tailed deer, Got Nature? Blog
Handling Harvested Game: Episode 1, Field Dressing, Video
Woodland Stewardship for Landowners: Managing Deer Damage to Young Trees, Purdue Extension-FNR YouTube Channel
Managing Your Woods for White-Tailed Deer, The Education Store, Purdue Extension’s resource center
Introduction to White-tailed Deer Impacts on Indiana Woodlands, Got Nature? Blog & The Education Store
Liz Jackson, Engagement Lead
Indiana Forestry & Woodland Association