Got Nature? Blog

Posted on July 14th, 2014 in Forestry, Wildlife | No Comments »

deer, hunting deer-damaged forests gives IN state parks a shot at recovery ​The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) posts an Purdue Agriculture research article titled “Hunting Gives Deer-Damaged Forests in Indiana State Parks a Shot at Recovery.” The Purdue research team led by Michael Jenkins, associate professor of forest ecology, shares that a 17-year-long Indiana Department of Natural Resources policy of organizing hunts in state parks has successfully spurred the regrowth of native tree seedlings, herbs and wildflowers rendered scarce by browsing deer.

“We can’t put nature in a glass dome and think it’s going to regulate itself,” Jenkins said. “Because our actions have made the natural world the way it is, we have an obligation to practice stewardship to maintain ecological balance.”

Electric Fences for Preventing Browse Damage by White-Tailed Deer, The Education Store, Purdue Extension
Emerging Issues in White-Tailed Deer Management and Conservation, The Education Store, Purdue Extension
Wildlife Crop Damage, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University

Got Nature?
