Got Nature? Blog
Posted on October 30th, 2020 in
Aquatic/Aquaculture Resources,
Forests and Street Trees,
Got Nature for Kids,
How To,
Invasive Animal Species,
Invasive Insects,
Land Use,
Natural Resource Planning,
Nature of Teaching,
Wildlife |
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The Nature of Teaching, a Purdue Extension signature program, was honored as the third place finisher in the central region for the Environmental Education Award presented by the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Science (NEAFCS).
The Environmental Education Award recognizes NEAFCS members for outstanding educational programs conducted for families and/or communities on various environmental issues/concerns.
The Nature of Teaching includes formal standards-base curricula and informal activity-based curricula centered around getting youth outside. The program curricula is focused on three areas: Wildlife, Health and Wellness, and Food Waste. Classroom ready lesson plans for grades kindergarten through 12 are available as are professional development workshops for teachers, focused on science, the environment and getting students connected with nature.
“I’m very happy to have the Nature of Teaching team recognized by our professional association as many team members are also members of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences,” health and human sciences extension educator Kelsie Jo Muller said. “The Nature of Teaching team has developed over multiple years and added different discipline areas all working together. It’s great to see all of the hard work recognized.”
The Nature of Teaching team includes:
- Deb Arseneau, HHS Educator, Newton County
- Jarred Brooke, extension wildlife specialist
- Jay Christiansen, health and human sciences extension educator for Vigo County
- Robert Cordes, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) wildlife special projects coordinator
- Molly Hoag, health and human sciences extension educator for Wells County
- Molly Hunt, health and human sciences extension educator for Delaware County
- Rebecca Koetz, urban ag/home horticulture extension educator for Lake County
- Tami Mosier, 4-H youth development extension educator
- Kelsie Muller, health and human sciences extension educator for Benton County
- Dr. Rod Williams, professor of wildlife science
- Brad Zitscke, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) assistant regional wildlife biologist
All of the NEAFCS awards will be presented in September as part of the NEAFCS Virtual Annual Session.