Got Nature? Blog

Posted on May 7th, 2024 in Timber Marketing, Wildlife, Woodlands | No Comments »

Check out the new newsletter posts available by visiting the Indiana Woodland Steward website. Stay current in the world of forestry and receive their free e-newsletter by subscribing at IWS Subscribe.

Graph showing average sale price by year, 2023 Indiana Consulting Foresters Stumpage Timber Price Report. Highlights from the current Newsletter include:

  • 2023 Indiana Consulting Foresters Stumpage Timber Price Report
    “This report is provided annually and is intended to be used as a general indicator of timber stumpage prices and activity in Indiana. There are many factors that determine the price of any individual timber sale…”
  • The Birders’ Dozen Profile 7: Eastern Screech-Owl
    Dr. Jessica Outcalt, consulting bird biologist
    “Welcome to the Birders’ Dozen! Over the next six issues we are going to continue introducing the last half of the bird species from Forestry for the Birds. The Birders’ Dozen are forest birds that…”
  • Forest Management is for the Birds!
    by Judi Brown
    “Saying something is “for the birds” can indicate frustration with a situation. But forest management’s effect on bird populations is…”
  • Flowering Dogwood
    By Lenny Farlee
    “Flowering dogwood is one of our most attractive small trees here in Indiana with beautiful white spring blossoms and very attractive fall red to maroon foliage. According to Native Trees of the Midwest, George Washington was…”
  • The PHiLL Project: A Collaboration of Forest Managers and Researchers to Restore Soils for Pollinator Benefits
    By Cheryl Coon, Lauren Pile Knapp and John Kabrick
    “Decline of native bees and how enriched log landings and increase habitat. Native bees are among the most diverse and important pollinators of our forested ecosystems with approximately 4,000 different species in North America…”
  • Ask the Steward
    By Dan Ernst
    “Question 1: I have not seen many squirrels this past winter. Do they migrate?”
  • Soil and Water Conservation District
    “Woodland Steward Supporters 2023…”

The Indiana Woodland Steward Newsletter is a resource that’s full of a variety of valuable information to foresters, woodland owners, timber marketing specialists, woodland enthusiasts and wildlife enthusiasts. The Indiana Woodland Steward Institute (IWS) is an entity made from 11 organizations within the state including Purdue UniversityIndiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen’s Association (IHLA), that works to promote best usage practices of Indiana’s woodland resources through their Woodland Steward publication.

Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Wildlife Responses to Timber Harvesting, The Education Store, Purdue Extension resource center
Forest Improvement Handbook, The Education Store
Invasive plants: impact on environment and people, The Education Store
Managing Your Woods for White-Tailed Deer, The Education Store
Shrubs and Woody Vines of Indiana and the Midwest, The Education Store
Birds and Residential Window Strikes: Tips for Prevention, The Education Store
Breeding Birds and Forest Management: the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment and the Central Hardwoods Region, The Education Store
Deer Impact Toolbox, The Education Store
Birdfeeder tips, The National Audubon Society
Managing Woodlands for Birds Video, Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources YouTube Channel
Subscribe: Deer, Forest Management, ID That Tree, Woodland Management Moment, Invasive Species and many other topic video playlists Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources YouTube Channel

Dan McGuckin, President
Indiana Woodland Steward

Dr. Brian MacGowan, Extension Wildlife Specialist
Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Purdue University

Got Nature?
