Got Nature? Blog

MusselsMussels are a critical part of the ecosystem and work hard to keep our rivers clean. The Tippecanoe River hosts over 45 species of mussels, including six endangered ones. Mussel populations are in decline after being harvested by the millions in the 19th and 20th centuries. In an effort to restore the mussel population and keep the Tippecanoe River clean for wildlife populations as well as recreational activity, Purdue Extension has launched a new website about mussels called Heart of the Tippy.

This site provides detailed information on mussels and what we can do to help them. For example, carrying your canoe instead of dragging it over rocky-bottomed shallow water can save mussels from being crushed. It also offers an area where visitors can take a pledge to improve the Tippecanoe’s water quality and protect its mussel habitat.

Take the pledge today and help to protect the mussels and keep the Tippecanoe clean!

Heart of the Tippy, Purdue Extension
Extension Website Presents Ways to Help Protect Indiana’s Endangered Mussels, Purdue Agriculture News
Tippecanoe River, Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Got Nature?
