Got Nature? Blog

The Purdue Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory (PPDL) has released its latest Annual Report, highlighting key insights, diagnostics, and trends from the past year. As a vital resource for growers, researchers, and the public, PPDL continues to provide expert analysis on plant diseases, insect identification, and environmental concerns across Indiana and beyond. cover page of the annual reportThis year’s report showcases emerging pest threats, advancements in plant diagnosis, and work with Purdue University.

Visit the PPDL Annual Reports webpage to read the 2024 report and view past reports.

About PPDL:
The Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory (PPDL) remains dedicated to helping protect Indiana’s agriculture, the green industry, and individual landscapes, by providing rapid and reliable diagnostic services for plant disease and pest problems. PPDL also provides appropriate pest management strategies and diagnostics training. They are a participating member lab in the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN), a consortium of Land Grant University diagnostic laboratories established to help protect our nation’s plant biosecurity infrastructure.

Find an Arborist, International Society of Arboriculture
Diseases in Hardwood Tree Plantings, The Education Store, Purdue Extension’s resource center
Fifty Common Trees of Indiana
An Introduction to Trees of Indiana
Shrubs and Woody Vines of Indiana and the Midwest, The Education Store
Tree Installation: Process and Practices, The Education Store
Forest Improvement Handbook, The Education Store
Invasive Species, Playlist, Purdue Extension – FNR YouTube Channel
Report Invasive Species, Purdue Invasive Species
What are invasive species and why should I care?, Got Nature? Blog, Purdue Extension – Forestry and Natural Resources
Indiana Department of Natural Resources: Invasive Species
Indiana Invasive Species Council
ID That Tree, Purdue Extension-FNR YouTube playlist
Tree Defect Identification, The Education Store
Tree Wound and Healing, Got Nature? Blog, Purdue Extension – Forestry and Natural Resources

Purdue Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory (PPDL)
Purdue Botany and Plant Pathology

Got Nature?
