Wild Bulletin, Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fish and Wildlife: Have you seen wildlife showing odd behaviors or signs of disease? DNR encourages you to report them using our online Sick or Dead Wildlife report system. DNR is especially interested in recurring deaths of wildlife in the same location over a period of time, deer showing signs that may indicate chronic wasting disease or epizootic hemorrhagic disease, or incidents involving threatened or endangered species.
Indiana DNR’s Sick or Dead Wildlife Reporting System collects information about wildlife that appear sick or appear to have died without an apparent cause (e.g. do not use this form for predation or roadkill). Reports of incidents involving common species and single animals are useful to help us understand baseline levels of sickness and death in wildlife populations.
Your reports help us track wildlife health over time and detect potential disease outbreaks in the state. Visit the Sick or Dead Wildlife Reporting webpage to learn more.
Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment – Wildlife Responses to Timber Harvesting, video, Purdue Extension resource center
Forest Improvement Handbook, The Education Store
Invasive plants: impact on environment and people, The Education Store
Managing Your Woods for White-Tailed Deer, The Education Store
Breeding Birds and Forest Management: the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment and the Central Hardwoods Region, The Education Store
Managing Woodlands for Birds Video, Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources YouTube Channel
Subscribe: Deer, Forest Management, Invasive Species and many other videos, Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources YouTube Channel
Indiana Department of Natural Resources – Division of Fish & Wildlife