Got Nature? Blog

Posted on October 29th, 2013 in Wildlife | No Comments »

As you can imagine, there is no simple solution for this problem. There is no way to direct their movements. They will go where there is ample cover and food; yards and urban areas often have plenty of both. Also coyotes are territorial, so that plays an important role in their spatial ecology. What researchers are finding is that suburban and urban coyotes (and other wildlife for that matter) do not behave the same as their rural counterparts. Oftentimes, they need less space because resources are plentiful and close together.

Most biologists would agree that trapping and removing coyotes in general is not an appropriate management strategy. If you move them out, more will simply come in. However, trapping of specific problem coyotes can be part of a comprehension management approach. The best approach is to avoid problems, and this starts with preventing coyotes from getting comfortable around people. Never feed coyotes. Many problems in urban areas are the result of people feeding coyotes. If you see coyotes around your home or yard, scare them off by yelling, clapping your hands or with other loud noises.​

Coyotes, Wildlife Conflicts, Department of Entomology, Purdue University
Dealing with Nuisance Coyotes, Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Permitted Wildlife Rehabilitators, Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Brian MacGowan, Wildlife Extension specialist
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University


Got Nature?
