Got Nature? Blog

Posted on December 20th, 2014 in Gardening, Plants | No Comments »

You may be considering giving a plant as a holiday gift this year. But before you buy your plant, there are precautions you need to take into consideration in order to keep it healthy. Purdue Yard and Garden News has some tips for you.

Your plant can get damaged due to cold, frigid air. Ensure that the salesperson wraps your purchase to protect it from the cold temperatures and wind as you walk back to your car. Also preheat your car to keep it out of the cold for the shortest time possible.

Keep plants away from drafts when you return home. Instead, put it in a place that is 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and provides plenty of bright light. Water your plant until some excess water comes through the drainage holes at the bottom.

View all of the tips on the Purdue Yard and Garden News page.

Effects of Cold Weather on Horticultural Plants in Indiana, The Education Store
Winter Injury of Ornamentals, Purdue e-Pubs
How To Care For Your Amaryllis​, Purdue Yard and Garden News

Purdue Yard and Garden

Got Nature?
