Daily Schedule - Su 24

ME 323: Mechanics of Materials

This page is set up to provide you with links to course material that is directly related to each class period. Please use this as a guideline for your daily work in the course.

Please note that most of the lecture book examples are found in the lecture book; however, to reduce the length of the lecture book, some of the examples have been moved from the lecture book to the Lecturebook examples page on this website. These examples are indicated by ( )**. The conceptual questions listed below are also found on the Lecturebook examples page.

Week 1: 6/10-6/14 Week 2: 6/17-6/21
Week 3: 6/24-6/28 Week 4: 7/1-7/5
Week 5: 7/8/12 Week 6: 7/15-7/19
Week 7: 7/22-7/26 Week 8: 7/29-7/30


Animations and demos
Course schedule
Tutorial/office hours
Lecture book examples


Monday, June 10
Introduction: Static equilibrium and stress

Lecture book reading: Chapter 1
Special first-day slides - please download
Lecture notes: 1st day only
Lecture video: June 10

Lecture book video: Example 1.1
Lecture book video: Example 1.2
Lecture book video: Example 1.3
Lecture book video: Example 1.4**
Lecture book video: Example 1.5
Lecture book video: Example 1.6
Lecture book video: Example 1.7**
Lecture book video: Example 1.8**

Daily summary: statics review

Tuesday, June 11
Normal stress and strain: material properties

Lecture book reading: Chapter 2
Lecture video: June 11
Lecture book video: Example 2.1**
Lecture book video: Example 2.2**
Lecture book video: Example 2.3**
Lecture book video: Example 2.4
Lecture book video: Example 2.5**
Lecture book video: Example 2.6 (in book)
Lecture book video: Example 2.7
Lecture book video: Example 2.8**
Lecture book video: Example 2.9**

Conceptual questions: 2.1, 2.2
Animations and demos: Poisson's ratio
Relevant youtube video: Poisson's ratio
Relevant youtube video: Understanding Young's Modulus
Daily summary: normal stress and strain

Wednesday, June 12
Shear stress and strain

Lecture book reading: Chapter 3
Lecture video - June 12
Lecture results: tensile testing of steel specimen
Lecture book video: Example 3.1
Lecture book video: Example 3.2
Lecture book video: Example 3.3
Lecture book video: Example 3.4**
Lecture book video: Example 3.5
Lecture book video: Example 3.6
Lecture book video: Example 3.7**

Lecture book conceptual questions: 3.1
Animations and demos: strains in rods
Daily summary: shear stress and strain

Thursday, June 13
Stress: introduction to design

Lecture book reading: Chapter 4
Lecture video - June 13 (Note that there is a short gap of a couple minutes in the last third of the recording - Zoom shut down during the recording and it took some time to get it back up.)
Lecture book video: Example 4.1
Lecture book video: Example 4.2
Lecture book video: Example 4.3
Lecture book video: Example 4.4**
Lecture book video: Example 4.5
Lecture book video: Example 4.6**

Relevant youtube video: Stress and strain
Daily summary: failure analysis

Friday, June 14
Stress and strain: general definitions

Lecture book reading: Chapter 5
Lecture video - June 14
Quiz01 - Problem statements

Lecture book video: Example 5.1**
Lecture book video: Example 5.2**
Lecture book video: Example 5.3
Lecture book video: Example 5.4
Lecture book video: Example 5.5**
Lecture book video: Example 5.6
Lecture book video: Example 5.7**
Lecture book video: Example 5.8
Lecture book video: Example 5.9
Lecture book video: Example 5.10**
Conceptual questions: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
linear superposition of strains

Daily summary: 3D stress and strain



Monday, June 17
Axial deformations: determinate structures

Lecture book reading: Chapter 6
Lecture video - June 17
Lecture book video: Example 6.1
Lecture book video: Example 6.2**
Lecture book video: Example 6.3
Lecture book video: Example 6.4
Lecture book video: Example 6.5**
Lecture book video: Example 6.6

Conceptual questions: 6.1, 6.10, 6.16, 6.18
Daily summary: axial deformation - determinate

Tuesday, June 18
Axial deformations: indeterminate structures

Lecture book reading: Chapter 6
Lecture video - June 18

Lecture book video: Example 6.7
Lecture book video: Example 6.8
Lecture book video: Example 6.9**
Lecture book video: Example 6.13**
Lecture book video: Example 6.14**
Conceptual questions: 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.9, 6.14, 6.19
Animations: indeterminate rods
Summary: Axially-loaded members

Daily summary: axial deformation - indeterminate

Wednesday, June 19
Planar trusses: indeterminate structures

Lecture book reading: Chapter 6
Lecture video - June 19

Lecture book video: Example 6.10
Lecture book video: Example 6.11
Lecture book video: Example 6.12
Lecture book video: Example 6.15**
Conceptual questions: 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.15, 6.17
Animations: indeterminate trusses

Daily summary: indeterminate trusses

Thursday, June 20
Axial deformations: thermal effects

Lecture book reading: Chapter 7
Lecture video - June 20

Lecture book video: Example 7.1
Lecture book video: Example 7.2
Lecture book video: Example 7.3
Lecture book video: Example 7.4**
Lecture book video: Example 7.5
Lecture book video: Example 7.6
Lecture book video: Example 7.7**
Conceptual questions: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5
Animations: thermal strains
Supplementary video: Thermal expansion in railway tracks

Daily summary: thermal effects

Friday, June 21
Torsion members: stresses in circular shafts

Lecture book reading: Chapter 8
Lecture video - June 21

Lecture book video: Example 8.1
Lecture book video: Example 8.2**

Conceptual questions: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4
Supplementary video:
Understanding Torsion
Daily summary: stresses in circular shafts


Monday, June 24
Torsion members: determinate

Lecture book reading: Chapter 8
Lecture video - June 24

Lecture book video: Example 8.3
Lecture book video: Example 8.4 (in book)
Animations: angle of twist in circular shaft

Daily summary: determinate shafts

Tuesday, June 25
Torsion members: indeterminate

Lecture book reading: Chapter 8
Lecture video - June 25
Special notes - Elongation of shafts under torque loads

Lecture book video: Example 8.5
Lecture book video: Example 8.6
Lecture book video: Example 8.7
Lecture book video: Example 8.8**
Daily summary: indeterminate shafts

Wednesday, June 26
Beams: shear force/bending moment diagrams (determinate)

Lecture book reading: Chapter 9
Lecture video - June 26
Lecture book video: Example 9.1**
Lecture book video: Example 9.2
Lecture book video: Example 9.3
Lecture book video: Example 9.4
Lecture book video: Example 9.5**
Lecture book video: Example 9.6
Background summary: Where we've been
Supplementary video: Understanding Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

Daily summary: shear force/bending moment diagrams

Thursday,  June 27
Beams: flexural stresses

Lecture book reading: Chapter 10
Lecture video - June 27

Lecture book video: Example 10.1
Lecture book video: Example 10.2
Lecture book video: Example 10.3**
Lecture book video: Example 10.4
Daily summary: flexural stresses in beams

Friday, June 28
Beams: shear stresses

Lecture book reading: Chapter 10
Lecture video - June 28

Lecture book video: Example 10.5
Lecture book video: Example 10.6
Lecture book video: Example 10.7
Lecture book video: Example 10.8**
Lecture book video: Example 10.9**
Lecture book video: Example 10.10
Lecture book video: Example 10.11
Lecture book video: Example 10.12**
Lecture book video: Example 10.13 (in book)
Lecture book video: Example 10.14**
Lecture book video: Example 10.15**
Conceptual questions: 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12
Animation: shear stress in beams
Demonstration video: generating shear stress in beams
Explanation video: stresses in beams (by "The  Efficient Engineer")
Daily summary: shear stresses in beams
Daily summary: general stresses in beams



Monday, July 1
Beams: deflections using integration (determinate)

Lecture book reading: Chapter 11
Lecture video - July 1
Lecture book video: Example 11.1 (in book)
Lecture book video: Example 11.2
Lecture book video: Example 11.3
Lecture book video: Example 11.4

Lecture book video: Example 11.5
Lecture book video: Example 11.6
Lecture book video: Example 11.7
Animation: beam deflections and BCs
Conceptual questions: 11.1, 11.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 
Daily summary: beam deflections (determinate)

Tuesday, July 2
Beams: deflections using integration (indeterminate)

Lecture book reading: Chapter 11
Lecture video - July 2
Lecture book video: Example 11.8 (in book)
Lecture book video: Example 11.9 (in book)

Lecture book video: Example 11.10
Lecture book video: Example 11.11
Conceptual questions: 11.2, 11.4
Daily summary: beam deflections (indeterminate)

Wednesday, July 3
Beams: deflections using superposition (indeterminate)

Lecture book reading: Chapter 11
Lecture video - July 3
Lecture book video: Example 11.17
Lecture book video: Example 11.18**
Lecture book video: Example 11.19 (in book)

Lecture book video: Example 11.20
Lecture book video: Example 11.21 (in book)
Lecture book video: Example 11.22**
Daily summary: superposition (determinate)
Daily summary: superposition (indeterminate) 

Thursday, July 4
No class: University holiday

Friday, July 5
No class: midterm exam


Monday, July 8
Energy methods: Castigliano's method

Lecture book reading: Chapter 16
Lecture video - July 8 (no audio for the first 3:57sec - please start watching after that point in the video)

Lecture book video: Example 16.1
Lecture book video: Example 16.2
Lecture book video: Example 16.3
Lecture book video: Example 16.4 (in book)
Lecture book video: Example 16.5
Lecture book video: Example 16.6 (in book)
Lecture book video: Example 16.7 (in book)

Daily summary: Castigliano 1

Tuesday, July 9
Energy methods: Castigliano's method

Lecture book reading: Chapter 16
Lecture video - July 9
Lecture book video: Example 16.8A
Lecture book video: Example 16.8B
Lecture book video: Example 16.8A
Lecture book video: Example 16.8B
Lecture book video: Example 16.9
Lecture book video: Example 16.10**
Daily summary: Castigliano 2

Wednesday, July 10
Energy methods: Castigliano's method

Lecture book reading: Chapter 16
Lecture video - July 10
Lecture book video: Example 16.8A
Lecture book video: Example 16.8B
Lecture book video: Example 16.8A
Lecture book video: Example 16.8B
Lecture book video: Example 16.9
Lecture book video: Example 16.10**
Daily summary: Castigliano 3

Thursday, July 11
Energy methods: finite element method

Lecture book reading: Chapter 17
Lecture video - July 11

Lecture book video: Example 17.1
(in book)
Lecture book video: Example 17.2 (in book)

Animation: building FE stiffness matrix and forcing vector
Daily summary: finite element method

Friday, July 12
Energy methods: finite element method

Lecture book reading: Chapter 17
Lecture video - July 12
Lecture book video: Example 17.3 
Lecture book video: Example 17.4 (in book)

Daily summary: finite element method 2



Monday, July 15
Stress analysis: thin-walled pressure vessels

Lecture book reading: Chapter 12
Lecture video - July 15

Lecture book video: Example 12.1
Lecture book video: Example 12.2
Lecture book video: Example 12.3**
Lecture book video: Example 12.4
Conceptual questions: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4
Daily summary: thin-walled pressure vessels 1
Daily summary: thin-walled pressure vessels 2

Tuesday, July 16
Stress transformations: principal/maximum shear stresses

Lecture book reading: Chapter 13
Lecture video - July 16

Lecture book video: Example 13.1
Lecture book video: Example 13.2
Lecture book video: Example 13.3
Daily summary: stress transformations 1

Wednesday, July 17
Stress transformations: Mohr's circle

Lecture book reading: Chapter 13
Lecture video

Lecture book video: Example 13.4
Lecture book video: Example 13.5
Conceptual questions: 13.1, 13.2, 13.6, 13.7
Supplementary Video: Understanding Stress Transformation
Animation: the Mohr Explainer
Animation: becoming familiar with Mohr's circles
Animation: Some Mohr's circle examples
Interactive exercises: Mohr's circle game, Part 1
Interactive exercises: Mohr's circle game, Part 2
Daily summary: stress transformations 2

Thursday, July 18
Stress transformations: absolute maximum shear stress

Lecture book reading: Chapter 13
Lecture video

Lecture book video: Example 13.6
Lecture book video: Example 13.7
Lecture book video: Example 13.8
Lecture book video: Example 13.9
Lecture book video: Example 13.10**
Lecture book video: Example 13.11**
Lecture book video: Example 13.12**
Conceptual questions: 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.9
MecMovies:  Mohr's circle game
Daily summary: stress transformations 3

Friday, July 19
Stresses: combined loadings

Lecture book reading: Chapter 14
Lecture Video

Lecture book video: Example 14.1**
Lecture book video: Example 14.2
Lecture book video: Example 14.3**
Lecture book video: Example 14.4
Lecture book video: Example 14.5
Conceptual questions: 14.1
Animation: stresses due to combined loadings


Monday, July 22
Stresses: combined loadings

Lecture book reading: Chapter 14
Lecture video
Lecture book video: Example 14.6
Lecture book video: Example 14.7**
Lecture book video: Example 14.8**
Lecture book video: Example 14.10 (in book)
Lecture book video: Example 14.11
Lecture book video: Example 14.12

Tuesday, July 23
Failure analysis: stress theories

Lecture book reading: Chapter 15
Lecture video

Lecture book video: Example 15.1
Lecture book video: Example 15.2
Lecture book video: Example 15.3**
Lecture book video: Example 15.4

Lecture book video: Example 15.5**

Conceptual questions: 15.1, 15.2, 15.3
Download: Mohr's circle review questions
Daily summary: failure stress theories

Wednesday, July 24
Failure analysis: stress theories

Lecture book reading: Chapter 15
Lecture video

Lecture book video: Example 15.6
Lecture book video: Example 15.7
Animation: relating principal stress components to Mohr's circle
Dailey summary: failure stress theories

Thursday, July 25
Failure analysis: Buckling of columns

Lecture book reading: Chapter 18
Lecture video
Lecture book video: Example 18.1
Lecture book video: Example 18.2
Lecture book video: Example 18.3**
Conceptual questions: 18.3, 18.4, 18.5
Animation: simple buckling model
Daily summary: column buckling

Friday, July 26
Failure analysis: Buckling of columns

Lecture book reading: Chapter 18
Lecture video
Lecture book video: Example 18.4
Lecture book video: Example 18.5**
Lecture book video:Example 18.6
Conceptual questions: 18.6, 18.7, 18.8
Daily summary: column buckling




Monday, July 29
Course summary problems - 1

Lecture handout (please download and print)
Lecture video
Explanatory video: Bridge structures explained

Tuesday, July 30
Course summary problems - 2

Lecture handout - filled in (please download and print)
Lecture video