I know I must be missing something on this problem, but I can't seem to be able to solve it. I've tried looking in the text book and can't find much guidance. I believe they mentioned this in lecture but I didn't get a chance to write down any of the equations. Does anyone know where I could find applicable equations?
I know I must be missing something on this problem, but I can't seem to be able to solve it. I've tried looking in the text book and can't find much guidance. I believe they mentioned this in lecture but I didn't get a chance to write down any of the equations. Does anyone know where I could find applicable equations?
See the section of the lecture book entitled: "e) Nomal and shear components of stress in an axially-loaded member" on pp. 3:8-3:9.
Is the inclined transversal area A = Aocosθ or the area for an oval (r1·r2·Pi)?