ME 323 - Spring 2025


Welcome to the ME 323 course website for the Spring 2025 term. The material on this site is a complement to the lecture book for the course. And, all material here is accessible without the need to log in. Please review the resources that are available to you in the links on the left sidebar of the page. Logging in is required only for adding comments to the blog posts. Read me for instructions in logging in to the website.

 Have a good semester!

The Daily Schedule page provides you with a guide on what you will be covering each day of class.
The Homework/Discussion page provides you with the following:  i) download links for homework problems; ii) discussion threads on homework sets; and iii) links to homework problem solutions.


2 thoughts on “ME 323 - Spring 2025”

  1. Just curious, when we talk about poissons ratio and saying that strain y = posissons ratio times strain x, does that still apply when the axial strain is downward, just flipped? like really the formula is lateral strain = poissons ratio * (axial strain). correct?

    1. This formula is true is the axial strain flips its sign, however, it's correct only if it's a uniaxial load in which you have a single load. For multiple load problems, it is not applicable.

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