Exam 1

Exam 1 solution

Exam 1 will be Wednesday, October 5 from 8-10 pm.

  • Students in the 10:30 and 3:30 classes: you will take the exam in RHPH 172
  • Students in the 12:30 class: you will take the exam in ARMS 1010

Some additional notes regarding Exam 1:

  • The exam will cover material up to, and including, Lecture 14 on the course schedule.
  • The exam format will be similar to the exams posted on the course website: 25% short-answer questions and 75% work-out problems.
  • The exam is closed-book and closed-note
    • Exam 1 equation sheet (will be provided with the exam)
    • You may also bring an 8.5" x 11" crib sheet to the exam.  The crib sheet must be turned in with the exam.
  • The exam will follow ME's calculator policy.
  • There will be no class on Friday, October 7.

Exam 1 from previous semesters

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