Homework Solutions

Homework problems are assigned from the Shigley text.  Homework solutions will not be collected, but video solutions are provided.

Topic Homework
Combined Stress. 3-85 (part a, finding critical cross-section, parts c and d), 3-92
Static Failure Theories: Ductile Materials. 5-56, 5-61
Static Failure Theories: Brittle Materials. 5-19
Stress-Life Method.  S-N Diagrams. 6-3, 6-5
Marin Factors. 6-10
Stress Concentration and Notch Sensitivity. 6-14
Characterizing Cyclic Loading. Fatigue Failure Theories. 6-17
Combinations of Loading Modes. 6-43, 6-48, 6-54 (beginning and end), 6-57
Shaft design 7-4. 7-18
Limits and Fits. 7-41, 7-45
Material properties. 2-2, 2-6
Material processing.  Material selection. 2-12, 2-22
Helical Compression Springs: Stresses and Spring Rates. 10-10
Helical Compression Springs: Static and Fatigue Loading. 10-22
Contact Stresses. 3-151, 3-154
Rolling Element Bearings: Life, Load, and Reliability. 11-8, 11-10
Rolling Element Bearings: Combined Loading. 11-23, 11-28
Journal Bearings. 12-1, 12-3
Gear Geometry. 13-1, 13-3, 13-8
Gear Loads. 13-40, 13-43
Spur Gear Bending. 14-25
Spur Gear Wear. 14-26, 14-27
Bolted Joints.  Bolt Stiffness. 8-17 ab, 8-19 ab
Member Stiffness.  Joint Constant. 8-17 c, 8-19 c, 8-22
Bolt Strength.  Factors of Safety. 8-32, 8-50