STUDENTS success



Nuclear Engineering has demonstrated vast potential for growth in power generation, medicine, industrial processes, plasmas, space technologies, and national defense. The field will become even more important and diverse in the future. Nuclear engineers will contribute to advanced technologies such as advanced fission and fusion power generators, nuclear medicine, more powerful computational methods, deep-space probes and propulsion systems, semiconductor device processes, improved food safety, advanced materials processing and characterization, advanced imaging, the safe treatment and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, and new forms of industrial gauges.

Contact Info: 

$71,371 Average Starting Salary

within 6 months of graduation

93% Average Placement Rate

in industry or graduate school

concentrations in Nuclear engineering

Materials & Radioactive Waste management
Reactor Physics
Nuclear Power Systems
Nuclear Fusion
Direct energy conversion
Neural Fuzzy Approaches
Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics
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top employers

bwx technologies, inc.
dominion energy, Inc.
general Dynamics electric
westinghouse electric
general electric
bechtel corporation
Us air force
us Nuclear
naval nuclear
nuclear group llc

top industries

Energy, Oil, & Gas
Engineering Services

Government & Military Services
Manufacturing and Machinery