What is Undergraduate Research

Whether you’re passionate about improving the environment, discovering cancer treatments, or figuring out how to colonize Mars, you can have the opportunity to work with Purdue faculty to shape the future. Engineering students are extremely active in research in the College of Engineering as well in other disciplines across the University. The Engineering Undergraduate Research Office (EURO) is a great resource to learn about research opportunities.

Research can shape your career aspirations, allow deeper development of expertise in a particular discipline, and provide practical application of theory. Many faculty members are able to provide funding or offer credit for undergraduate support. Go get to know your faculty!

While most of our students get involved in research by simply reaching out to professors, there are also a variety of formal ways to participate in engineering research. Here are four of the most popular research programs: 

Ways to Participate

Most Popular Research Programs:

The Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Program provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to earn academic credit while engaging in authentic and extended research and design projects related to active research areas of Purdue faculty members and national, international, and industry-sponsored design challenges. Students can participate on interdisciplinary and vertically-integrated teams (first-year through seniors) with faculty and graduate student mentors for multiple semesters to address these real-world research and design challenges.

SURF provides students across all engineering, science, and the Purdue Polytechnic Institute disciplines with an intensive research experience over the summer. Students work closely with graduate students and professors in their respective schools and will have opportunities for networking, poster presentations, and more!

DURI is designed to involved Purdue undergraduates in the interdisciplinary research environment of the Discovery Park District, an innovation hub located at the corner of Purdue’s campus. The program provides opportunities for students to work with faculty on cutting edge, multidisciplinary research projects, with programs available in fall, spring, and summer terms.

SURGE is designed to provide international work experience at a research lab at a top university overseas during the summer.