BoilerKey will not work for this system. Please use your normal Purdue Career Account credentials to login.
Faculty needing access to sign a Plan of Study, if you would like to use your Purdue Career Account to login into the database review the following:
Obtaining Access to the Graduate School Database
Enter your Purdue Career Account userid and password, or if you were assigned a Graduate School userid and password enter that.If you do not know your userid and/or password, email gradweb@purdue.eduFor your convenience, upon logging in you will be directed to a page in the database depending on your role.Heads and Deans - to the My Signature page containing documents awaiting your signature.
Faculty - to the Plans page containing plans you are associated with.
POS Coordinators, Contacts, GS Staff - to the database home page.
For your information:
Office of the Registrar: Student Information & Privacy
For questions contact:
Graduate Web Help, 42600,