Natalia Dudareva

Natalia Dudareva Profile Picture

Distinguished Professor, Department of Biochemistry
University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France 1995

Contact Info:

Training Group(s):
Plant Biology

Active Mentor - currently hosting PULSe students for laboratory rotations and recruiting PULSe students into the laboratory; serves on preliminary exam committees

Current Research Interests:

Plants have exploited the language of small chemicals for interacting with their environment more extensively than any other types of living organisms. An amazing diversity of volatile molecules released by plants play essential roles in their growth, development, reproduction, defense, and communication, and influence atmospheric chemistry and climate. Formation of these compounds relies on primary metabolic networks for the supply of precursors for their biosynthesis. Research in my laboratory focuses on understanding of biochemical and molecular mechanisms controlling the formation of primary and secondary (phenylpropanoid and terpenoid) metabolites in plants using the power of genetic and biochemical approaches combined with metabolic flux analysis and modeling.

Selected Publications:

Huang X-Q, Li R, Fu J, Dudareva N. 2022. A peroxisomal heterodimeric enzyme is involved in benzaldehyde synthesis in plants. Nature Commun., 13: 1352.

Weng J-K, Lynch JH, Matos JO, Dudareva N. 2021. Adaptive mechanisms of plant specialized metabolism connecting chemistry to function. Nature Chem. Biol., 17:1037-1045.

Lynch JH, Huang X-Q, Dudareva N. 2021. Silent constraints: the hidden challenges faced in plant metabolic engineering. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol., 69: 112-117.

Liao P, Ray S, Boachon B, Lynch JH, Deshpande A, McAdam S, Morgan JA, Dudareva N. 2021. Cuticle thickness affects dynamics of volatile emission from petunia flowers. Nature Chem. Biol., 17: 138-145.

Lynch JH and Dudareva N. 2020. Aromatic amino acids: A complex network ripe for future exploration. Trends Plant Sci., 25: 670-681.

Lynch JH, Qian Y, Guo L, Maoz I, Huang X-Q, Garcia A, Louie G, Bowman ME, Noel JP, Morgan JA, Dudareva N. 2020. Modulation of auxin formation by the cytosolic phenylalanine biosynthetic pathway, Nature Chem. Biol., 16: 850-856.

Boachon B, Lynch JH, Ray S, Yuan J, Caldo KMP, Junker RR, Kessler SA, Morgan JA, Dudareva N. 2019. Natural fumigation as a mechanism for volatile transport between flower organs. Nature Chem. Biol., 15: 583-588.

Qian Y, Lynch JH, Guo L, Rhodes D, Morgan JA, Dudareva N. 2019. Completion of the cytosolic post-chorismate phenylalanine biosynthetic pathway in plants. Nature Commun., 10: 15.

Henry LK, Thomas ST, Widhalm JR, Lynch JH, Davis T, Kessler S, Bohlmann J, Noel JP, Dudareva N. 2018. Role of isopentenyl phosphate in terpenoid homeostasis. Nature Plants, 4: 721-729.

Adebesin F, Widhalm J, Lynch JH, McCoy R, Dudareva N. 2018. A peroxisomal thioesterase plays auxiliary roles in plant β-oxidative benzoic acid metabolism. Plant J., 93: 905-916.

Adebesin F, Widhalm JR, Boachon B, Lefèvre F, Pierman B, Lynch JH, Alam I, Junqueira B, Benke R, Ray S, Porter JA, Yanagisawa M, Wetzstein HY, Morgan JA, Boutry M, Schuurink RC, Dudareva N. 2017. Emission of volatile organic compounds from petunia is facilitated by an ABC transporter. Science, 356, issue 6345: 1386-1388.

Widhalm JR, Gutensohn M, Yoo H*, Adebesin F*, Qian Y*, Guo L, Jaini R, McCoy RM*, Lynch J, Shreve JT, Thimmapuram J, Rhodes D, Morgan JA, Dudareva N. 2015. Identification of a plastidial phenylalanine exporter that influences flux distribution through the phenylalanine biosynthetic network. Nature Commun., 6: 8142.

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