Go Kart Science Saturdays

On selected Saturdays in the fall Go Kart Science Saturday will be held at various go-kart tracks across Indiana.  Go Kart Science Saturday provides an opportunity for

  • Student teams from the previous year to use the previous year’s go kart to collect science data that they can then analyze over the winter for use in the next spring’s Engineering Design component of the evGrandPrix.
  • Schools that are new to the evGrandPrix program to see the go karts in action, learn about the technology that will be needed to build and operate their go-karts and make relationships with other high school teams that they can contact as they build their go kart.

There will be an opportunity for the teams to operate their go-karts on the track.  In addition, there will be safety training activities, presentations on best practices for various go-kart technologies, discussions on the various academic competition components of the evGrandPrix, e.g. Engineering Design Marketing and Project Management and Community Outreach. 

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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