Assem Imangaliyeva
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Majors: Environmental Health Science, Occupational Health Science
Tell us why you chose Purdue University for your undergraduate education
Purdue has a good reputation, especially in the fields of science and engineering. I wanted to study here because I knew I would get a great education.
How would you describe the faculty and staff in the College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS)?
I love the faculty and staff members in the College of Health and Human Sciences! It’s reassuring to know that I can always talk to them when I have a need. My professors and academic advisors have been extremely helpful throughout my Purdue journey.
What advice would you give international students who are about to start their first year at Purdue?
Pursue your passions. Ask for help when you need it. Take advantage of the many opportunities you are given while at Purdue.
What is your favorite thing about Purdue?
Purdue offers students many things to explore. Students are given a wide variety of academic and career development opportunities.