PALS camp teaches life lessons, activities during annual sessions
PALS campers learn about upper body strength
PALS participants learn about upper body strength during a session on SHARBADE boards (SHoulders AR BAck DEvelopment). (Purdue University photo)

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — For some children, summertime means time at the pool, playing with friends and time away from learning.

But for 425 campers in Purdue’s 18th annual PALS camp, there will be time at the pool, spending time with friends, hands-on engineering projects, tennis and numerous other activities.

PALS camp, which stands for Purdue Athletes Life Success, will begin June 12, 2023 and end July 12, 2023.

During those five weeks, the campers ranging in age from 8 to 14 will learn about exercise and healthy living through numerous sporting activities, as well as more about their community through a variety of hands-on educational programs.

Participants must be income-qualified and from Tippecanoe County. PALS works with area school corporations to coordinate participation and transportation in the camp.

Bill Harper, co-director of the PALS program and a retired professor, said the activities are designed to keep children’s minds busy all summer long.

Harper said the staff encourages, motivates and inspires the campers to think about activities such as engineering and health and nutrition beyond the classroom.

“We are reinforcing learning just in a different environment,” Harper said.

Healthy meals at breakfast and lunch, as well as snacks are provided to the campers, as well as longer eating times.

“The number one takeaway for campers is friendships. We want them to have time to laugh and make new friends,” Harper said.

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2024 Camp Dates

The PALS camp staff is excited to announce camp dates for 2024. This will be our 20th year of operation, and it's going to be our best one yet! Get ready for a positive summer experience with lifetime benefits.

Camp will begin on June 12, 2024.
It will end on July 12, 2024.

There will be no camp on July 4th or 5th.
Make a Difference It takes an enormous effort to pull off a successful PALS camp year after year, and our staff is the biggest part of that equation. Are you ready to help out? Fill out the appropriate form below. Our kids depend on your support. 2019 PALS New Staff Application Form 2019 PALS Junior Team Leader Application Form