
White Sucker


Other Common Names:

Common sucker, coarse-scaled sucker, fine-scaled sucker, black sucker, eastern sucker, brook sucker, gray sucker, mud sucker, sucker, mullet, black mullet, slender sucker, June sucker


Scientific Name:

Catostomus commersoni



Feed on insects and small mollusks



Prefers clear rivers and medium-sized streams with gravelly riffles and permanent pools



Average length is 9.5 inches



Slender, fine-scaled sucker; tinted dark greenish along back; sides with brassy or silvery luster; white belly, lips with numerous wart-like projections


Photo & text courtesy of:

Iowa Department of Natural Resources

Iowa Fish and Fishing by James R. Harlan and Everett B. Speaker with James Mayhew; color illustrations by Maynard F. Reece

Fishes of Wisconsin by George C. Becker

Fishes of Indiana published by Indiana Department of Conservation, Division of Fish and Game (1964)


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