We are currently recruiting for our Daily Study of Relationship Experiences and Stress (DISTRESS) study. We are looking for individuals in a relationship located in the United States between the ages of 21-55 who have been married or living with a romantic partner for at least 6 months. We also require that you are comfortable reading and speaking English.
To briefly describe our study to you: Participation in this study will involve completing an interview with a member of our study team via Zoom and completing surveys each day about your experiences, thoughts, and behaviors across multiple months. You will be eligible to earn up to $175 for your participation in the study. If you are interested in participating, please email the team at DISTRESS@Purdue.edu.
This study is associated with the Department of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University, IRB 2020-807. PI: Dr. Susan South, 765-494-0119.
Midwestern African American Twin Study of Aging (MAATSA), a part of the Multi-Ethnic Twin Registry (MTR) @ the University of Minnesota
In coordination with the University of Minnesota, Purdue University is seeking African American/Black twins who are 18+ to participate in a brief data collection survey to determine eligibility for future work. Only one member of the twin is needed to participate, though both can! Participation is expected to take no more than 5 minutes to complete and respondents are entered into a raffle to earn a $15 gift card of their choice.
This study is part of long-standing work conducted by the University of Minnesota. See this link for more information on previous work done by this research group.