
Technology is transforming the way we measure psychological constructs across the world. Scheduled for June 3-4, 2021, the Technology and Measurement Around the Globe (TMAG) virtual symposium aims to bring together cutting-edge research from various fields to explore regional differences and similarities in the application of technology (e.g., machine learning, AI) to educational and psychological measurement. The symposium organizers are also editing a book with Cambridge University Press on this topic, which will become part of the International Test Commission’s book series (https://www.intestcom.org). The TMAG symposium will be a definitive step toward this publication.

Participating in (and registering for) this virtual symposium will be free of charge to anyone worldwide, with IT support coming from the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA; https://carmattu.com). We hope to invite a large number of researchers and practitioners in the fields of psychology, education, measurement, technology, and beyond to join us in this exciting conversation!

Click here to view the TMAG symposium schedule.

Click here to register for the TMAG symposium.