Digera arvensis – Famine Foods

Digera arvensis


India: plant and seeds used as famine food in Alwar, Dholpur, Jaipur, Bhartpur, Ajmir-Merwara, Jodhpur, Udaipur and Bikanir, in Rajputana (Rajasthan); and Nasik, in the Bombay Presidency The plant is generally used as a pot herb. The leaves are made into curries or the entire plant is boiled in water and seasoned with salt, and chili

Additional Information

Name Authority:
Bengali: Luta mahawria, Gunjattiya. Santal: Kari gandhari. Pushto: Gar tundula, Das. Punjabi:Tartara, Kundra tandala, Leswa. Sindhi: Tandala. Bombay: Getan, Kunjur, Kunjari, Kunira, Kunjra, Kundru : Malegaon, Nasik District, Bombay Presidency: . Rajputana: Lahuswa, Lahuswali, Lesua sag, Leswa, Kalinjara, Lalra, Labro, Lalinjra, Lolharu. Telugu: Chenchali kura, Chanchali kura. Kannada: Akoi-goraji
Chemical composition = Fat = 2.82% (dry). Albumenoids = 17.24% (dry). Carbohydrates = 41.43% (dry). Fibre = 20.83% (dry). Ash = 17.68% (dry). Nitrogen = 2.76% (dry). Phosphoric acid = .73% (dry). Silicates = 1.84% (dry)

Country Location Map

This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick, Emeritus Professor and Former James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture. The content on this site is provided and maintained by Mr. Freedman.

Page last modified: February 27, 2017

Famine Foods - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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