Hyphaene thebaica – Famine Foods

Hyphaene thebaica


Niger (southeastern): fruit andn young root eaten cooked or raw. Sudan (western): kernels crushed and mixed with porridge. Chad (central) : fruit eaten. Nigeria (Kano State, northern): fruit rind eaten, especially in the  arid zone.

Nutrient values (Niger samples): inner fruit pulp  Mn = 29.04mcg/g Fe = 49.84mcg/g Ca = 402mcg/g
Mg = 1158mcg/g Cu = 10.30mcg/g Zn = 18.16mcg/g

outer fruit:  Mn = 80.09mcg/g
Fe = 27.76mcg/g Ca = 495mcg/g Mg = 1251mcg/g Cu = 3.21mcg/g
Zn = 8.63

root/tuber: Protein =21.0% Fat = 3.5%
Ash = 9.6% Carbohydrate = 65.9% Mn = 15.18mcg/g Fe = 95.23mcg/g
Ca = 1616mcg/g Mg = 5667mcg/g Cu = 4.04mcg/g Zn = 27.71mcg/g




Additional Information

Name Authority:
Arabic: Na, Dom, Doum, Doum Palm. Niger (Hausa): Goruba. Kanuri: Karjim. English: Gingerbread Palm, Niger (Hausa): plant - gorubaâ; root: gizgiri.
Chemical composition (per 100g )(leaves): Protein = 2.3g. Fat = 0.4g. Calcium = 210mg. Kcal = 43; (nut, dried): Protein = 3.9g. Fat = 6.4g. Calcium = 144mg. Kcal = 395; (flour): Protein = 2.6g. Fat = 0.4g. Calcium = 68mg. Iron = 20mg. Vitamin B1 = .05mg. Vitamin B2 = .10mg. Niacin = 3.4mg. Kcal = 296; (nut, green: outer, edible portion): Protein = 1.4%. Fat - 0.1%. Carbohydrate = 13.6%. Fibre (crude) = 5.4%. Ash = 1.5%. CaO = 0.05%. P2O5 = 0.13%. Moisture = 78.0%. Kcal = 62; (nut, green: kernels and fluid): Protein = 1.9%. Fat = 0.2%. Carbohydrate = 19.8%. Fibre (crude) = 1.4%. Ash = 0.7%. CaO = 0.07%. P2O5 = 0.03%. Moisture = 76.0%. Kcal = 91; (nut, mature; edible portion): Protein = 2.8%. Fat = 0.4%. Carbohydrate = 74.7%. Fibre (crude) = 11.0%. Ash = 5.4%. CaO = 0.17%. P205 = 0.39%. Moisture = 5.7%. Kcal - 321. Chemical composition, after Abdelmuti) Protein (crude) = 1.7% (dry). Fat = 0.5% (dry). Ash (insoluble) = 1.9% (dry). Fibre (crude) = 7.3% (dry). Amino acids (g [16g N]-1): Aspartic acid = 6.8g. Threonine = 2.7g. Serine = 3.7g. Glutamic acid = 9.0g. Proline = 3.8g. Glycine = 5.3g. Alanine = 4.0g. Valine = 4.0g. Cysteine = 1.2g. Methionine = 1.5g. Isoleucine = 4.0g. Leucine = 5.3g. Tyrosine = 2.2g. Phenylalanine = 3.7g. Lysine = 2.8g. Histidine = 1.5g. Arginine = 4.3g. Minerals: Sulphur = 0.30% (dry). Potassium = 0.14% (dry). Magnesium = 0.28% (dry). Calcium = 0.13% (dry). Na = 0.09% (dry). K = 3.02% (dry). Zinc = 11mg/kg (dry). Iron = 17mg/kg (dry). Manganese = 11mg/kg (dry). Copper = 25mg/kg (dry).

 Plant Classification Group:
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Esri, USGS | Sources: Esri; Garmin International, Inc.; U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook); National Geographic Society
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This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick, Emeritus Professor and Former James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture. The content on this site is provided and maintained by Mr. Freedman.