Leptadenia hastata – Famine Foods

Leptadenia hastata


Burkina Faso (Piéla, Chagna Province). The Gourmantché people prepare the leaves in cous-cous. They are first chopped and mixed with millet flour; then the mixture is steamed. Salt and butter made from the seeds of Butyrospermum parkii (G.Don) Kotschy (Synonym: Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn.[SAPOTACEAE]] are added. Nigeria (Kano State, northern): leaves eaten.Niger (Tillaberi Region, Tabala Sarey, Zinder). Leaves used primarily as a condiment and in soups. Protein content  = 19.1% and β-carotene = 50mg/g. Niger (Tillaberi Region, Tabala Sarey, Zinder). Leaves used primarily as a condiment and in soups. Protein content  = 19.1% and β-carotene = 50mg/g.

Nutrient values (Niger sample): Mn = 52.84mcg/g Fe = 950.73mcg/g Ca = 117753mcg/g
Mg = 4361mcg/g Cu = 4.13mcg/g Zn = 18.01mcg/g



Additional Information

Name Authority:
(Pers.) Decne.
Hausa: Ya 'diya. Kanuri: Njera. Burkina Faso (Goumantché): Nallangou.
Chemical composition (after Paton & Dunlop) (grams per 100g): Protein = 14.62g. Fat = 7.60g. Carbohydrate (soluble) = 41.08g. Fibre = 23.50g. Ash = 4.50g. Water = 8.70g. Calories = 299.

 Plant Classification Group:
 Plant Locations:

Country Location Map

Esri, USGS | Esri, TomTom, FAO, NOAA, USGS | Sources: Esri; Garmin International, Inc.; U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (The World Factbook); National Geographic Society
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This site is provided to Mr. Freedman by Dr. Jules Janick, Emeritus Professor and Former James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture. The content on this site is provided and maintained by Mr. Freedman.

Page last modified: April 8, 2023

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