HORT Capstone Presentations (Updated) – HLA Happenings

HORT Capstone Presentations (Updated)

Flyer for HORT Capstone Presentations

You’re invited to the Capstone Presentations reviewing internships and work experiences by several of our graduating seniors in various concentrations. These oral presentations are a companion to a written descriptive review of the internship employer.

Wednesday, April 24, 1:10 pm in HORT 222.

1:10 – Lara Staton – Light and Fertilizer Impact on Annual Cuttings in VIP Systems
1:30 – Erynn Escobedo – Planting My Seed at the Chicago Botanic Garden
1:50 – Matthew Haan – Vines & Veggies: Biodynamic farming in Tuscany
2:10 – Kaylee Guererro – Maintenance of Plant Science Greenhouses
2:30 – Stephen Mills – Landscape Design in a Mid-sized Residential Landscaping Company
2:50 – Rachel Behrend – Glenstone Museum 2023 Summer Internship
3:10 – Hannah Hunnicutt – My summer at Clark’s Cutting Edge

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