This Week at the Purdue Student Farm – HLA Happenings

This Week at the Purdue Student Farm

A very small bee on a coneflower.

This week’s biggest event has been the lauded, long-awaited debut of the Bin Washer! It has been named Squeaky Steve :). We’ve been watching vegetables go through it like it’s popcorn in a microwave, and I can confirm that carrots can reach entertaining heights. It’s even got a power washer!!! It almost covers up the sound of Mason and Faith bickering.

Preparations for the upcoming Field Day (next Thursday, July 25th) continue, and the barn has been entirely reorganized and is practically sparkling (thank you, Jane!!). Also, many thanks to the folks who came out for the C-PASA session last week. It was wonderful to show everyone around.

Weather-wise, it’s been just about as picturesque as one could ask for in late July, though the wind has resulted in a rather skewed character for the corn. The only real trouble has been waiting for the ground to dry out enough to work in the field, while the weeds taunt us from afar. And the zucchini. Forgot to harvest them this weekend. That, we might never recover from.

A small toad among a row of crops

A disgruntled toad

AS I’m writing this, I’ve just been informed that there is yet another bird family nesting in the root vegetables. Continuing with the theme of weird animal homes – there is also a jumping spider living inside our scale. Dunno how he got in there, not sure how he will get out. It’s his scale now I guess.

A bird nest hidden in the crops

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Page last modified: July 19, 2024

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