Student Farm Spotlight: Faith Hartman – HLA Happenings

Student Farm Spotlight: Faith Hartman

Faith Hartman
Faith Hartman

Good afternoon everyone. My name is Faith Hartman and I’m a senior in the Sustainable Food and Farming Systems program with minors in Fermentation Science as well as International Studies in Agriculture. This is my third season working on the farm and spending hot summer days packing your produce. I’m also one of the interns that’s been tending to our lovely honey bee colonies this summer. During the school year, I help run the Beekeeping Club and have been very excited to impart my knowledge on to my co-workers. I also enjoy seeing the honey bees all around the farm.

This summer has been a rollercoaster for me. I’ve just returned from a 6 week long study abroad in the Philippines and I’m just now getting readjusted to being back on the farm. While my escapades abroad have been transformative, I’ve always found my time at the farm to be grounding, and was happy to return. Every day I get to be outside, work with plants, and “ooh” over all sorts of critters that we come across.

I first started on the farm as a much more shy freshman who almost never knew what was going on. Honestly, not much has changed, but I’ve learned a lot about myself through the years and gotten invaluable hands-on experience at the farm. I’ll always love working here and the feeling of home I’ve been able to find at this job. The experience will follow me far into my dream career focused on international agriculture. After graduation, I’m considering going into the Peace Corps as the next step towards my future.

Thank you for reading my story. Peace and love, Faith.

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