Horticulture Extension resources help homeowners cope with tree damage – HLA Happenings

Horticulture Extension resources help homeowners cope with tree damage

​EST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Residential trees have been
taking a beating during the recent outbreak of summer storms across
Indiana. Homeowners will need to determine if they can take care of the
damage themselves or if they will need the help of a professional tree
service, says Purdue Extension’s consumer horticulturist.

“There are trees with just small limbs down, but
there are a lot of trees that suffered major breakage,” said Rosie
Lerner. “It can be hard for homeowners to decide whether trees with
severe damage should be removed. Homeowners often are reluctant to cut
down a tree, either because of sentimental attachment or because the
tree provides shade or screening that won’t quickly be replaced. It can
also be quite expensive to have a large tree removed.”

Safety is the top priority when evaluating a
damaged tree, Lerner said. Homeowners should first determine if the tree
or some of its branches are in danger of falling now or in the near

Small, lower branches can be removed with loppers
or a pruning saw. Larger limbs, or those too far up to reach, should be
left to arborists who have the appropriate tools and equipment to
safely bring down large or high limbs.

Purdue Extension’s Education Store
has publications available for free download to help homeowners assess
storm-damaged trees, remove broken branches or find a professional

* FNR-FAQ-12-W, Trees and Storms

* HO-4-W, Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs

* FNR-FAQ-13-W, Why Hire an Arborist

To download, visit The Education Store website and enter the publication number in the search box.

“Trees that have decay, previous injury,
infection with disease or insects, or have poor architecture have a
higher likelihood of breaking up in a big storm,” Lerner said.

Trees such as ornamental pear, silver maple and
river birch frequently have narrow angles between the main trunk and
branches and/or soft wood that compromise their structure.

Just because a tree trunk has damage does not
necessarily mean the tree will need to be removed right away, Lerner
said. Large, split branches or trunks that have not broken off the tree
may be braced and possibly saved by an arborist. “Trees can live for
quite some time with some massive holes in their trunks,” she said. “But
the damage makes them more susceptible to disease, rotting, and insects
and increases the likelihood they will come down in the next storm.
Homeowners must assess the risk damaged trees pose to property, people
and pets. It’s always best to err on the side of safety.”

Writer: Olivia Maddox, 765-496-3207, maddoxol@purdue.edu

Source: Rosie Lerner, 765-494-1311, rosie@purdue.edu

Ag Communications: (765) 494-2722;
Keith Robinson, robins89@purdue.edu

External Link: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2014/Q3/extension-resources-help-homeowners-cope-with-tree-damage-.html

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