K. G. Raghothama Published Two Journal Articles – HLA Happenings

K. G. Raghothama Published Two Journal Articles

K. G. Raghothama has published two journal articles:

Ramaiah M., Jain A, Yugandar P. and K.G. Raghothama. 2022. ATL8, a RING E3 ligase, modulates root growth and phosphate homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol Biochem (in press)

Vasconcelos M.J.V., J.E.F. Figueiredo, M Fernandes de Oliveira, R.E. Schaffert and K.G. Raghothama 2022. Plant phosphorus use efficiency in acid tropical soils. Brazilian J Maize and Sorghum; 21, e1259, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18512/rbms2022vol21e1259

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