Widhalm Laboratory Members Present at Summer Research Conferences – HLA Happenings

Widhalm Laboratory Members Present at Summer Research Conferences

Over the summer, the Widhalm laboratory members were busy presenting their research across the country. Graduate student Thiti Suttiyut presented his work on shikonin metabolism and helped organize the phytochemical section at Botany 2022 (Botanical Society of America) in Anchorage, Alaska from July 24th – 27th. Graduate student George Meyer presented his work on juglone metabolism and gave a “Scholars ignite” lightning chat at the ASHS annual meeting in Chicago from July 30th – August 3rd. Dr. Widhalm traveled to Portland, Oregon to present his lab’s work at Plant Biology 2022 (American Society of Plant Biologists) and participated in a workshop on graduate mentoring.

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