HORT 318 Learns to Prune Grapes Vines, Apple and Peach Trees – HLA Happenings

HORT 318 Learns to Prune Grapes Vines, Apple and Peach Trees

female student smiling on camera while holding chinese cabbage3

The HORT 318 class visited Meigs on Wednesday. Lab concentrated on learning how to prune grape vines (with Miranda Purcell), peaches and apples (with Peter Hirst). Kyle Daniel showed them the effect of container type on root development. The students also harvested Cruciferous crops that were planted in September. Petrus Langenhoven showed them you to harvest Chinese cabbage. It was lots of fun!

Students listening to Peter Hirst explaining pruning apples

students pruning grape vines

Kyle Daniel showing students the effects of container types on root development

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