Pinney Purdue Vegetable Twilight Meeting – HLA Happenings

Pinney Purdue Vegetable Twilight Meeting

Photo collage of images from the Vegetable Twilight Meeting

The Pinney Purdue Vegetable Twilight Meeting on August 24 featured presentations by HLA members Celia Corado, Steve Meyers, Lori Hoagland, Petrus Langenhoven and Liz Maynard, in addition to other speakers. Wenjing Guan hosted tasting evaluations of tomatoes and watermelon and the evening wrapped up with dinner and community taste test of sweet corn from local growers. AREA X ANR Extension educators and Liz Maynard organized the event.

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Page last modified: September 1, 2023

HLA Happenings - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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