Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults Lead Sketch Tour with LA Students – HLA Happenings

Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults Lead Sketch Tour with LA Students

Chip Sullivan and Elizabeth Boults speaking with a student.

UC Berkeley professor and artist Chip Sullivan and UC Davis professor and artist Elizabeth Boults gave lecture in the HLA Seminar on 09/21/2023 and led a sketch tour with the students enrolled in LA 32500. In this sketch tour, the students were drawing iconic spaces of the Purdue campus landscape in search of the genius loci. After each station, the students gathered around, shared their drawings with the class, and received more inspirations by readings from a unique deck of tarot cards students created themselves based on archetypes of sacred places.

Students working on sketching in the rain garden.

Students working on sketching in the rain garden.

Students sketching in the garden.

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