Rebecca Traldi is a new postdoc in the department. She will be working closely with Dr. Linda Prokopy on the #Diverse Corn Belt project. She comes to us from the University of Maryland where she just completed her PhD, which focused on measuring the impact of agriculture and land-use change sustainability interventions. Rebecca has previously worked with the[Read More…]
Lori Hoagland attended and gave a presentation at the North Central Region Technical Advisory Committee Meeting of the National Plant Germplasm System in Ames, IA. In addition to discussing how her lab is using the germplasm collection to investigate how crop domestication has influenced beneficial plant-soil-microbial relationships in tomato, carrot and quinoa, she covered how[Read More…]
The Nemali lab in collaboration with Marion county extension started the first workshop on ‘Home Hydroponics’ at the Artisan Market Place inside 16-Tech Innovation District, Indianapolis on June 23, 2022. The workshops will be conducted on a monthly basis for 20-30 people at a time. Their focus is to train attendees on how to grow[Read More…]