Lauren Asprooth and Ashley Adair presented a DCB update and facilitated a panel discussion called “Extended Crop Rotations with the Diverse Corn Belt Project” at the annual Marbleseed Organic Farming Conference on February 22nd in La Crosse, WI. There were about 30 people in attendance for the session. The 5 panelists covered topics ranging from[Read More…]
The Purdue Student Farm is debuting the Purdue Boilermaker Spring Salad Kit, available beginning March 7 – May 9. The kit will yield one to two large salads and include a lettuce base with a rotational mix of mustard greens; herbs; root crops like radishes, turnips and beets; and vegetables like cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.[Read More…]
FINAL CSA OF THE YEAR! It’s a balmy 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and the snow is falling at a nice semi-horizontal angle; as you may have guessed, we’re living the dream this fine Thursday afternoon. The bin washer is soon to begin its winter state at Meigs, where it can reside safe and sound in an[Read More…]
It’s a misty Thursday morning, we’ve had a little under 0.4 inches of rain, and the last of the oranges and reds are fading from the trees. There’s song sparrows in the wetland, and copious amounts of mud everywhere else. In case anyone was wondering, it is November indeed. Lots of harvesting underway this week![Read More…]
It’s been a week much like any other out here. We’ve been harvesting away and keeping up with odds and ends of maintenance. On my part, I have been processing quite a few onions. We’ve got tobacco drying, carrots reseeding, pea trellising, the whole nine yards. Mason, Dylan and Emily took on the great burden[Read More…]
Find yourself a tin roof, a rain gauge and enjoy the smell of petrichor on the horizon – we’ve got a potential thunderstorm this morning! And I say now as many a farmer has said before me: we suuuuure needed it. As a whole, it’s been a slower week, mostly harvest and maintenance. A classic case[Read More…]
Back to your regularly scheduled programming folks! Things have been quiet this week, in part because we got very on top of things for last week’s events (and needed a little bit of recouperation time), partially because Chris finally fell victim to the bug that’s been going around the Horticulture department. He had to be banished from[Read More…]