Ariana Torres recently completed her 3-year term as VP of Student Programs for the Food Distribution Research Society, where she developed and led a case study competition for Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness students. Winners from Oklahoma State University (1st place, pictured), University of Connecticut (2nd place), and University of Kentucky (3rd place) were recognized at the annual[Read More…]
Several HLA faculty members were recently featured in the media. Purdue’s College of Agriculture highlighted the recent grant for Dr. Lori. Hoagland’s TOMI Project: Purdue-led TOMI project receives $3.5M grant to turn a decade of data into new tools and strategies for tomato farmers Purdue’s College of Agriculture also featured Dr. Ariana Torres’s work on[Read More…]
Several HLA folks traveled to Honolulu, Hawaii this week for the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science. A few of us went a day early to tour local farms and we visited a plumeria farm and a fruit farm where we sampled passion fruit, guava, bananas, papaya, dragon fruit, and much more[Read More…]
Last week, Camila Ulloa and Dr. Ariana Torres attended the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) Conference in Almeria, Spain. Camila Ulloa, a PhD student from the Horticulture Department, along with three graduate students from the Agricultural Economics department, Alejandra Armesto, Ivanna Carrillo, and Owen Zakrzewski, participated in the 2024 IFAMA Student Case Competition.[Read More…]
The Diverse Corn Belt project is pleased to announce the open-access publication of “‘Safer to Plant Corn and Beans?’ Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Agricultural Diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt” in Agriculture and Human Values. Led by former HLA postdoc, Rebecca Traldi, the paper includes several HLA co-authors: Lauren Asprooth, Emily Usher, Elizabeth Maynard, Aaron[Read More…]
Katherine Pivaral successfully passed her M.S. thesis defense this week. Her thesis focused on creating markets for diversified crops in the Midwestern US and she did a phenomenal job collecting and analyzing complex data. Katherine’s MS thesis advisor is Dr. Linda Prokopy and committee members are Dr. Ariana Torres and Dr. Leigh Raymond (University of[Read More…]