After the Small Farm Field Day last week the IMPACT^2 Team met with a group of small farmers and Extension educators to pilot two serious games. These games help farmers and educators think through the impacts of climate change on agriculture and what management strategies they can use to help mitigate those impacts. HLA folks[Read More…]
The Diverse Corn Belt project is pleased to announce the open-access publication of “‘Safer to Plant Corn and Beans?’ Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Agricultural Diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt” in Agriculture and Human Values. Led by former HLA postdoc, Rebecca Traldi, the paper includes several HLA co-authors: Lauren Asprooth, Emily Usher, Elizabeth Maynard, Aaron[Read More…]
HLA members of the Diverse Corn Belt project (Dr. Aaron Thompson, Shivika Aggrawal, Dr. Lauren Asprooth, and Emily Usher) hosted a Reimagining Agricultural Diversity Meeting with farmers and other ag stakeholders in Marion, IA last week. This engaging meeting had 20 participants and lively conversations about what is needed to increase agricultural diversity on the[Read More…]