2024 Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day – HLA Happenings

2024 Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day

Halen Nocito with Steve Meyers presenting research to a group of attendees.

The Purdue Fruit and Vegetable Field Day, held on July 18 at Meigs Farm, was a success. Over 75 attendees came out to learn more about the latest research on weed and pest management in horticultural crops. Petrus Langenhoven, Peter Hirst, Steve Meyers, Miranda Purcell, Helen Nocito and Josué Cerritos all participated in the demonstrations, along with colleagues from Wild Goose Chase and the Department of Entomology: Carla Wagner, Laura Ingwell, Samantha Willden, Milena Agila, Robert Grosdidier, and Julie Wooby.

More photos from the event can be view in the gallery.

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