Brittany Weerts and Ali Jewell attend Freight Farms Training – HLA Happenings

Brittany Weerts and Ali Jewell attend Freight Farms Training

Ali Jewell, Brittany Weerts, and Nathan Liberty
Ali Jewell, Brittany Weerts, and Nathan Liberty

Brittany Weerts and Ali Jewell traveled to Boston last week for a 2-day intensive training for the new Freight Farm container farms at the Purdue Student Farm. While there, they met with Nathan Liberty – Freight Farm’s growing manager and also a former HLA graduate. Nathan and the rest of the Freight Farms team did an awesome job sharing their knowledge. Brittany and Ali came back with all the tips, tricks and connections needed to make Purdue’s new growing containers successful. Stay tuned for more exciting developments coming soon!

Wall of hydroponically grown lettuce leaves.

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