Dr. Ying Li joins Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Faculty – HLA Happenings

Dr. Ying Li joins Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Faculty


Li combines plant molecular biology with systems biology to understand the
mechanisms of plant responses to the environment. Dr. Li earned her bachelor’s
degree in Biological Sciences from Tsinghua University, China. She then came to
US, and earned a master’s and a PhD degree in Crop Sciences from University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, working on soybean functional genomics during
photomorphogenesis. She then spent five years as a postdoc researcher at New
York University, applying systems biology tools to understand nitrogen use in
plants. Starting at Purdue HLA in Jan 2017, her lab will focus on understanding
how crops respond to environmental stimuli at molecular and systems levels.
Specifically, Ying Li lab aims to apply state-of-art molecular tools and
computational approaches to probe gene regulatory networks underlying
environmental responses, including both transcriptional regulation and
chromatin changes. Her ultimate goal is to identify key molecular players to
engineer better crops that are more resilient to adverse conditions.​​

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