HLA Ambassadors’ Summer Internships – Brody Piel – HLA Happenings

HLA Ambassadors’ Summer Internships – Brody Piel

Brody Piel standing on green with "The Founders Party" painted in white

Hi everyone! My name is Brody Piel and I am from Arcadia, IN. I am currently a senior studying Turf Management & Science with minors in Soil Science, Crop Science, and Food & Agribusiness Management, as well as the former President of the HLA Ambassadors. This summer I am interning at Castle Pines Golf Club in Denver, CO where we will be hosting the BMW Championship. Here, I have been learning a great deal about water management, pesticide applications, crew management, as well as PGA TOUR tournament preparation and logistics. My advice to anyone interested in taking an internship or a study abroad away from home is to take the chance! You will never grow as an individual or professionally if you never leave your comfort zone.

Brodie Piel watering the green

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