HLA Graduate Students Attended ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meeting – HLA Happenings

HLA Graduate Students Attended ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meeting

Lily Berry, Kathleen Zapf, and Henrique Feiler standing in front of sign for the St. Louis Arch.

Henrique Feiler, Kathleen Zapf, and Lily Berry attended the 2023 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri October 29-November 1. They attended several lectures on topics related to the soil microbiome and heavy metal bioavailability, phenotyping technologies, and crop science updates. Henrique and Kathleen presented posters on their research. The group also visited the Missouri Botanical Garden for a tour on seed preservation and conservation of botanical knowledge, and visited the St. Louis Arch!

Henrique Feiler standing in front of his research poster.
Kathleen Zapf standing in front of her research poster.
Lily Berry, Kathleen Zapf, and Henrique Feiler standing in front of the St. Louis Arch.
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