HLA Research and Design Retreat – HLA Happenings

HLA Research and Design Retreat

Attendees of the HLA Research and Design Retreat.

On Friday, May 13, our graduate students held the annual HLA Research and Design Retreat at the Holiday Inn – City Center in Lafayette, Indiana. Thanks to George Meyer for organizing the event, with support from Colleen Flynn, Jeanine Arana, Yuyao Kong, Patrick Oelschlager, and Fatemeh Sheibani, among others.


Jada Powlen presenting her research.


Xiaojin Wang, Thiti Suttiyut, and Katherine Pivaral present their research posters.

Xiaojin Wang, Thiti Suttiyut, and Katherine Pivaral present their research posters.


Attendees playing HLA-themed trivia game

The day concluded with HLA-themed trivia.

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