HLA Students at MANNRS Banquet – HLA Happenings

HLA Students at MANNRS Banquet

Otto Hoehl, Dr. Linda Prokopy, Shivika Aggrawal, Spencer Logan

L-R: Otto Hoehl, Dr. Linda Prokopy, Shivika Aggrawal, Spencer Logan

Last week, Dr. Prokopy attended the MANNRS (Minorities in Agricultural, Natural Resources and Related Sciences) Purdue Chapter annual banquet to celebrate the accomplishments of the Chapter (first place in the nation!) and celebrate our student members – Otto Hoehl (Turf Management and Science), Spencer Logan (Pre Landscape Architecture), Shivika Aggrawal (grad student). Shivika, co-advised by Dr. Prokopy and Dr. Thompson, won the Outstanding New Member Award. Congratulations!

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