Landscape Architecture Students Won State Awards – HLA Happenings

Landscape Architecture Students Won State Awards

Photos of the Certificate of Awards awarded to the LA Students

On Thursday August 17th, Indiana Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (INASLA) has hosted its annual Reception and 50th Anniversary Gala in Indianapolis. During the award ceremony, the 2023 student and professional awards were announced. Purdue Landscape Architecture students have won two of the four students awards.

Carmel Chinese Garden Co- Envisioning. INASLA Design Works Category Merit Award. (Students: Autumn McNinch, Chloe Kennedy, Jeff Tseng, Molly Wimberg, Wanting Zhang, Kayla Kramer. Faculty Advisor: Yiwei Huang)

Children’s Book and Learning Games on Indiana Native Plants and Habitats. INASLA Award of Excellence. (Students: Autumn McNinch, Chloe Kennedy, Molly Wimberg, Wanting Zhang, Kayla Kramer. Faculty Advisor: Yiwei Huang)

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