Meyer’s Weed Science Lab Attended WSSA/SWSS Joint Meeting – HLA Happenings

Meyer’s Weed Science Lab Attended WSSA/SWSS Joint Meeting

Recently, representatives from the Meyers’ Weed Science Lab, Jeanine Arana, Emmanuel Cooper, and Josue Cerritos, showcased their work at the 64th Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and Southern Weed Science Society (SWSS) Joint meeting in San Antonio, TX.

Jeanine Arana presenting on her cover crops research.

Jeanine Arana presenting on her travel enrichment experience.

During the event, Jeanine presented a 3-minutes single slide talk titled “Cover crops: a weed management option in plasticulture strawberry row-middles” and a 15-minute talk titled “My travel enrichment experience with Blue River Technology.”

Emmanuel Cooper presenting on his sweatpotato research.

Emmanuel presented a 3-minutes single slide talk titled “Evaluation of critical weed-free period for three sweetpotato cultivars.”

Josue Cerritos standing in front of his research poster.

Josue presented the poster titled “Use of silage tarps for early-season weed management in small-scale potato production.”

PowerPoint slide announcing that Emmanuel Cooper placed third in single slide talk, master's students' category.

Emmanuel Cooper holding his third place award envelope.

Emmanuel won 3rd place for his single slide talk in the master students’ category. Congrats!

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Page last modified: January 26, 2024

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